I remember I used to write weird junk to random people to give them a disorientated feeling. Here's one of them
(Thread was in French)
Belge? by Inin Rhalo
I: Are you Belgian?
BG: Of course! I'm called [Belgian Gentleman] for a reason. I can also speak Dutch if you want.
I: OK, that was just to verify. I just want to have your opinion on the map that I've created and already is public. (Flying Scorpion)
BG: With pleasure!
[ 20 days later ]
I: Hello again. My new map is finished. It's about "Erossus" the Dragon". Can you please comment one more time on my map and rate it? I'll be delighted if you do so. You give me the impression that you're a very good map creator so your review is very important to me.
BG: I thank you again. It was nothing.
You have recieved a dog
The King [Belgian Gentleman]
He then never responded again ...
Edited 11/29/2015 12:26:21