So this morning, I decided to see if I could play an open game while in school. The first that caught my eye was one that said "2v2v2v2....." It was a 2 to a team, 20 team game with a one minute direct boot, and three minute auto boot on Imperium Romanae. Now that sounds like a hell of a lot of fun to me so I joined.
The game was set to start when the host chose for it to, so every time the game filled up, the host would act afk and then come back after a couple of people left saying he'd start when the game was full. Yet, he never started it when the game was full. Finally, hours after hosting it, he started it. Over half the players were afk aside from 6 or so, and everyone else was booted. Of course, the host and his teammate were active and booted everyone. I played for maybe 2 turns before surrendering.
Now I understand that it's your choice to join a game with a 1 min direct boot, and be more cautious etc, but I think it takes a terrible sport to host a game like that just to gain points.
The game is linked below and I'm done ranting now :) Queefballs