Hello! Here are the nominated categories and polls, You may vote for one of each nominee in each of these polls. Winner will be announced soon!
Best Troll - http://strawpoll.me/6154069
Best Player 1 v 1 - http://strawpoll.me/6154056
Most Liked - http://strawpoll.me/6154050
Best Newcomer - http://strawpoll.me/6154026
Best Map Maker - http://strawpoll.me/6154017
Community Award - http://strawpoll.me/6154000
Clan of the Year - http://strawpoll.me/6153984
Streamer of the year - http://strawpoll.me/6153963
I would like to wish everyone a happy christmas, I would like to wish all the nominees best of luck! The voters the pleasure of voting and thank them for that.. And for the community for all their input into this, Couldn't do this without you guys.