Hey gang, as some of you know Queef and I recently completed a series of games where the game names were sexually themed and went from a to z. Well "Z is for Zebra Porn" is already rolling so its on to the next series:
The Stinky Poon Maps Classic
We'll be diving into the worst rated maps Warlight has to offer, don't miss a chance to play with the Poon Squad, have a good laugh and hopefully have some unforgettable experiences in this crazy series. If you're interested in playing all you have to do is look for the title in open games. All games will begin with "Stinky Poon Maps Classic" followed by the map name.
It's not easy making a great map, it's not even easy making a crappy map. So this is a way to give back to those who worked painstakingly on a map that just didn't work out.