Many many MANY times I have come deadly close to joining CORP but I never quite did it. to my knowledge they are a good, relatively stable, Rp/Diplomacy clan. I know many of their founders were former members of the clan after_dark back in the days when they carried some punch. After_dark was my first clan and to be honest my Favorite. Btw what exactly happened to them? One day I was looking at the clan list, saw them, and realized they had like 3 members! Was their a hijacking?. Anyway basically the main things I want to find out are how great is CORP in all honesty and WTF happened to After_dark?
Edited 12/4/2015 23:33:47
What is the overall opinion on CORP?: 2015-12-04 23:37:02
CORP is a good clan. They cover pretty much every aspect of what a clan should be/do, for rp and strategic games. They've come a long way and I consider them not just rp clan as their name suggests but also very strategic.
What is the overall opinion on CORP?: 2015-12-04 23:47:32
Well Luna, I think that's actually quite good. I'm very glad 2 ex-members and 3 alts in the clan have good opinions of it. An opinion coming from me would be undoubtedly biased, whereas you can compare it to your own clan. This is why I think having alts is a good thing :)
If you asked me, of course I'd tell you it's good. Brilliant even, but I'm glad we're getting much less biased sources than myself :D
What is the overall opinion on CORP?: 2015-12-05 00:24:01
Well recently, I've become quite irked at several corp players for doing several things that just aren't cool. But whatev's right? (Not really screw those guys{Bayern Munich is Best!})
My time during CORP was the best and also the worst experience I've ever had. Leadership position, sat on a council, yadda yadda yadda, buuuuut when it came down too it. Some things just didn't pan out and I left disgruntled and angry.
The more recent CORP I know absolutely nothing about. I know theres a bunch of good players in there, and thats about it.
What is the overall opinion on CORP?: 2015-12-05 00:55:04
After dark was my first clan, but I literally joined just after shit hit the fan so I've got no idea. Was in CORP for like a day, then I moved to Olympus. Think a few of the after dark leaders disagreed on some things so some of them left, some followed, then some more left, and then they booted the rest and tried to start again.
What is the overall opinion on CORP?: 2015-12-05 01:28:28
I have given a similar screenshot before but CORP was formed as a break off from the UN, like LN and was originally people like Churchill, Prometheus and Lawlz.
Edited 12/5/2015 01:28:46
What is the overall opinion on CORP?: 2015-12-05 02:39:50
Ooh, another cool thing I just found out. I was running a query on the last 1000 1v1 ladder games (of which 825 were interclan matchups) and 85 interclan matchups involved CORP. This means that CORP is involved in over 10% of recent 1v1 ladder games- beating Illuminati (69), AWF (54), ONE! (50), M'Hunters (47), and 63 other clans (for a total of 67 clans participating in recent interclan matchups on the 1v1 ladder).
So CORP is leading the pack in 1v1 ladder participation. Not sure if you want to call them just an "RP clan" at this point.
What is the overall opinion on CORP?: 2015-12-05 02:59:51
That is some great facts knyte thanks As for CORP im happy that the whole council and the mwmbers of the clan all particilate in making this clan great.
What is the overall opinion on CORP?: 2015-12-05 03:15:58
Corp is a great clan I know there leaders very well and for what happened A_D there was a few disagreements and the clan was handed to 1 of the founding members to either disband or fix. I created both A_D and {Olympus} everyone and what happened have moved on so let's leave it in the past.
Edited 12/5/2015 08:24:35
What is the overall opinion on CORP?: 2015-12-05 09:08:36