This is some nonsense thread, but I must right some things.
The only time Poland was badly beaten by Russia was the Soviet invasion during WWII, and that technically isn't even Russia.
First, how strong a country does not make it how good it is. Second, the Russians "badly" beat Poland many more times than that - the Partion Wars, the 1812 War, the Third Deluge, and loads of Crimean and Turkish raids, amongst others. And it is Russia - Germany is fighting on the west side - but it is Russia.
Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth (AKA Lithuania not being listened to often) took Russia's capital, once.
Poland held Moskva for 2 years. How many years has Russia held Warszawa (including temporary military occupations)?
Then again, Russians are not being born enough
If Russians are not being born enough, are Polish folk being unborn, then?