If you are actually serious, there are clan like this and personally, I'd put CORP in that category.
I search for an active clan with friendly people and an addictive clan forum.
Yup, CORP has it. Along with addictive chat games where people do comment a lot...
A clan where people help each other and teach.
We definitely got it as well. There are many people willing to help you if you struggle with something, no matter what.
For me it doesn't matter if the clan is competetive or not. Just a brousing community that accepts every member in open hands and preferably that doesn't have a clan name that ends on -lords. I hope that I can find a clan that is not lousy,spamming or swearing at all.
You can play competitively if you want, but again, that's your choice. Here's what I like about CORP : you do what you want (well, almost ^) as long as you stay active and mature enough. If you want to play a particular type of games, you'll find people to play with for sure, no matter what it is.
CORP accepts pretty much everyone... everyone without a bad reputation who seems motivated enough, that is. Even the requirements are very fluid and can be tweaked at times (and often are). Doesn't end on -lords either. Spamming? Nah, not really, unless you count the blabbering of Cata & co on the chat game. Swearing? Don't think so.
Which peaceful and awesome clan do you propose?
Peaceful? Definitely now that the drama is gone, hopefully forever. Awesome? Of course, how else would we get 111 people to join it? :)
So yeah, that was a bit of a self-promotion, but I guarantee it's worth it. If you (or anyone else) desire to join, just let me know.
If my opinion of my own clan is biased, feel free to correct me.