[WL-121] : random lag spikes when doing orders
[WL-122] : random lag spikes when chatting
Some lags may actually be more related to the size of the map (number of territories, more than graphical size), the number of orders players have submitted, number of turns in history, length of chat history, and other such 'data size' issues, rather than only actual network lag. If you are submitting actual bug reports to Fizzer, try to include information such as this (size of map, etc.) because they may be more relevant to the problem than the server workload. (Which is not to say that it's never server overload; only that it can sometimes also be other culprits.)
For instance, your WL-121 may be due to a large map, or having many players with many orders issued per turn. WL-122 may be due to a long chat history.