Yeah, Express Installation is BAD.
The 30 day refund is very nice. Everyone can try it and give their opinion. :3
I just red that Microsoft plans to make Windows 10 the last and update it over time.
One big + for me on Win 10 is that I have the Store now (Not available on Win 7). And I can use the store to download XBOX App and play XBOX games on my computer. :P
I am not sure if you can play both on computer and XBOX if you use digital download. I am also very interested to know if all games will be compatible.
XBOX tries to be
Steam and it is not a bad thing.
The other ++ is that Win 10 may be more 64 bit compatible (???). If I buy a computer and it is cheap with 64 bit support, this will be very good.
Otherwise, I can try to get linux even if I don't know if it is worth it. Most programs on Windows are also available on MAC.
On a random note :
There is a 7ZIP clone called 7ZIP Winrar. The company selling the clone product should be ip banned and have his commerce rights removed plus fine.
Note 2 :
I still haven't figured how to kill Edge and remove some *featurees*. :P
I know how to reg edit. I AM Pro Windows User. :)
Note 3 :
I will keep the initial review for historical purposes. Once I find how to destroy all unwanted features, my view of the new OS will be more favorable. There are already some batch programs that kill paid ads in Store Games or protect real time against Windows Ad Gathering. XP fixes some privacy issues.
Taken from must-have ! Free programs that fix Windows 10 Privacy.
Edited 12/26/2015 01:15:03