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Scammers: 2015-12-29 06:25:09

Level 56
I agree with shyb's summary and analysis. It's dishonest at *best*. In a word: Lame. In two words: Lame ass.
Scammers: 2015-12-29 07:04:24

Dr. Stupid 
Level 60
What's fascinating to me is that all three of them showed up trying to defend and/or explain this game like words could somehow change the reality. If you were concerned with doing the right thing, you would need to give each of those booted players a win. (feel free to post the gamelinks here when you do)

Dingle put in cards to add to the time challenge, but didn't actually tell anyone in the game?
Pooncrew and Queefballs were "unaware" of the settings? If I realized that one of my clanmates involved me in an unethical game, it would end by VTE or that clanmate would be unceremoniously thrown out of the clan.

Well, who cares what I think? Point is, if a person wants respect from the community, they cannot involve themselves in these unethical situations.
Scammers: 2015-12-29 07:49:44

Level 56
I propose a name for this ... distasteful practice: Boot Licking.
Scammers: 2015-12-29 11:32:49

Level 60
advise don't give ur money to somoene in the grand exchange who says doubling money
Scammers: 2015-12-29 13:40:15

Level 59
Scammers: 2015-12-29 16:34:44

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
Poon Squad rekked.
Scammers: 2015-12-29 17:02:48

Level 49
Do people still care about these irrelevant swines? They are scum and nothing more.
Scammers: 2015-12-29 17:13:48

[ESP] csr8 ☩
Level 57
As you know i am not a regular poster in warlight forum and i didn't know the special feelings the community has with these bastards. I thought i made a discovery but now i see they are already very well known xD
Scammers: 2015-12-29 18:03:24

Level 57
Poon Squad was actually my first clan. I left in a couple days after joining because I saw what they did. They are the scum of the game. Everybody knows it. just stop joining their games and/or blacklist them. Or if you really wanna be heroic join their games and warn everybody about what's about to happens everyone leaves. Or stay and beat them and ruin their farm.

Edited 12/29/2015 18:43:50
Scammers: 2015-12-29 18:18:12

[ESP] csr8 ☩
Level 57
blacklist them.
Or if you really wanna be heroic join their games and warn everybody
Or stay and beat them and ruin their farm.

I did the 3 of them in this game :D I won them playing with 2 noobs. They can't win if they don't boot. Incredible. Pathetic.


Edited 12/29/2015 18:19:55
Scammers: 2015-12-29 22:43:44

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
Karl Goldberg +1
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