. . -------->>> STATS ARE ONLY DECORATION<<<---------
How can you be a "diplo" (means ffa) player. If you played 80 team games 213 1on1s and just 70+72 ffa games? And ffa means just random win, so you cant say anything about how good you played in these games. Same with teamgames also but there would be at least some advantages as better you play for having a better stat. But the manipulations change also this thing, so the stats are only decoration, not more.
Edited 12/29/2015 15:24:03
What Type of in-game Player am I?: 2015-12-29 15:16:26
^ Wrong. Good player who plays against mostly terrible players. Also likely to be an alt of someone from the UK who was once a top player, I'm thinking Piggy?
Edited 12/29/2015 16:25:06
What Type of in-game Player am I?: 2015-12-29 16:32:37