After some googeling and wikepediaing,
"When a speaker wants to explicitly include Finland alongside Scandinavia-proper, the geographic terms Fenno-Scandinavia or Fennoscandia are sometimes used in English, although these terms are hardly if at all used within Scandinavia"
I want to drag your attention to "although these terms are hardly if at all used within Scandinavia".
In Norwegian Scandinavia may refer to all things. (unhelpfull Nor. source
In the Norwegian version of wiki, it states that Finland and Iceland is somtimes viewd as part of Scandinavia.
I guess you all are more right then me, but only cus we are speaking english.
@Onoma "Finland isn't on the scandinavian peninsula, only Norway and Sweden are" But Finalnd is part of the scandinavian half-peninsula, which is what the term Scandinavia often refers too xD
Edited 1/4/2016 17:35:33