Would never have paid monthly/yearly for membership--sorry, would've only maybe considered lifetime to support the site. Just not enough right now to be regularly paying for. But I understand the potential benefit of removing it once member privileges become more desirable. Still found lifetime membership link on
https://www.warlight.net/Purchase and tried it just to see if it worked. It did... so I guess I'm a member forever now then :/
Cant complain tbh.
Like some others I also don't like the current pixel, weird, (anime?) graphic for the Commander. It just seems so out of place especially if I were to play diplos I think. I agree a simple vector based image would suit this site better. Threw some together on inkscape and think I prefer them already:
http://i.imgur.com/BzjT9cF.png(My thinking was that the red colour would be replaced with your player colour if possible, or a neutral white if it must be a fixed colour.)