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A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 03:59:53

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Let's make the list as long as we can!

>Brutal conquest of the West
>Witch trials
>Making room for ISIS

>Meh. They take credit for something the British Empire was in charge of, and that's not even evil.

British Empire/UK/Britons:
>Persecution (Bloody Mary)

>Funding Christopher Columbus

Prussia/Teutonic Knights:
>The Crusades, I guess. I don't know. People say they were heinous, but all I see are economic wars.
>Being Prussia


>WTF Stalin? Is self-genocide even a thing?

Middle East as a whole:
>The Jihads that predated the Crusades, I guess...
>Millions have died because they couldn't fuking edcide who should become the leader after Muhammad and his heir's deaths. That's dumber than WWI.

>Some fuked up execution methods, man.

>Some fuked up execution methods, man.

>You get genocide! You get genocide! YOU ALL GET GENOCIDE!

New Zealand:
>Genocide by Maori on Moriori.

>Prostitutes. Prostitutes and AIDS. (Okay, so this one is sort of their culture and is subjective in terms of 'evil.' I'm trying to have fun with this.)

>Ethnic cleansing by Muslim top half on African and Christian religious bottom half.

>Jesus Christ, why the sacrificing? Respect of cultures can only go so far.

>Jesus Christ, why the sacrificing? Respect of cultures can only go so far.

>Jesus Christ, why the sacrificing? Respect of cultures can only go so far.

South Africa:

Greece (and her city-states)
>Alexander the Great, while badass, conquered because he was bored. While that sounds badass looking back, that is actually pretty evil if you think about it.

Edited 1/9/2016 04:24:16
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 04:04:05

Cata Cauda
Level 59
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 04:04:32

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Is this the world DLC to my EU roast?
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 04:05:55

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Glad to see India isn't on here ;)
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 04:14:45

Level 56
Lol Britain is blamed for WW2......oh wait....now I see why XD
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 04:23:03

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Is this the world DLC to my EU roast?

Yes it is.

Glad to see India isn't on here ;)


Lol Britain is blamed for WW2......oh wait....now I see why XD

Yeah, every major power in that war committed heinous acts laced with demon sperm.

Bring on the evil, people.
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 04:48:16

Level 56
Britain could have stopped the entire dam thing at the beginning f they had wanted too, Stalin was basically begging Neville Chamberlain for assistance
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 05:57:23

Level 47
Um, correction. Muhammad had no heir. After his death, the three successive caliphal reigns were stable, with vast territories being conquered and income flowing in. It was in the end of the third caliph's reign and the fourth one's beginning that simmering dissensions and civil war burst to the forefront. It's a long, complicated and dirty story with causes rooted in ancient prejudices and conflicts. That civil war was the reason that Islam is now divided into two major sects. Thousands, hundreds of thousands have died over the centuries due to this, but millions? No.

And actually, Alexander was from Macedonia. As far as conquerors went, he was better than most.

Also, India:
The vile treatment of widows? The immmolation of widows, confining them to widow-houses, ostracization etc.

Edited 1/9/2016 06:28:37
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 06:38:02

Level 54
I've made a counter-thread to make you try and see reason.
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 07:13:51

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
Sodom and Gamorah

- Prostitutes
- Homosexuality
- Mass attempt to rape angels
- Incest
- so bad God had to destroy it
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 08:28:49

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
>Legalize Gay Marriage
>Drinking age 21

>Invading USA with "immigrants"
>Following obesity with USA

>Clubbing innocent seals

>Indira Gandhi; look her up, she led the FORCED sterilization of 8.3 million people and jailed those who didn't comply

Edited 1/9/2016 08:29:35
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 08:30:33

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Especially Jews
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 10:19:15

[NL] Sander
Level 61
British Empire: South Africa and India (they did some horrible things there).

Belguim: Congo (also some horrible things done there)
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 10:33:11

Level 55
France, Britain and the USA; the treaty of Versaille (I blame France for this)
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 11:23:43

Level 49
Canada : continued to send asbestos packages around the world when everyone else stopped. Meaning they sent hundreds of cancer filled packages around the world for profit.

Poland : While Czechoslovakia was being served up on a plate by the Germans, Poland stationed their army on the Czech border making claims on the innocent and helpless Czechoslovakia, not so innocent now are we Poland.

Edited 1/9/2016 11:27:35
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 11:28:51

Luna {TJC}
Level 57
What China did in WW2 isn't comparable to all the things Japan did.

Japan was much worse.
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 11:28:57

Lolicon love
Level 56
I thought that it was only africa that canada sold them to because the rest of the world knew they it was dangerous and africa was too poor to refuse.

Edited 1/9/2016 11:29:16
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 11:37:14

Level 49
Still.....pretty fucked up Loli.
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 11:58:39

Angry Koala
Level 57
Austria : WW1

Ahaha, yes Cata, but I would say WW2 also, Hitler used to be Austrian if I am not wrong.

France: for more than one thousand of years of Wars all over Europe, a religious war known as the Crusades mainly instigated by the French (or Frankish depending on the period) thus the destruction of the great Islamic culture (annihilation of cities such as Jerusalem killing the entire population), and the destruction of the Byzantine Empire (during the 4th crusade that sacked Constantinople and mass murdered its inhabitants), genocides in Algeria, Africa and Indochina during the Colonial Wars and the post colonial uprisings, the destruction of the different regional cultures and people that once inhabited the territory in what is nowadays France (Basques, Bretons, Alsatians, Corsicans, Kanaks, Tahitians, and 60 other forgotten people), the French government denies this but it is still going on currently!

Oh and if we go further in History, the Gauls for having sacked Rome under their commander Brennos, and the plunder, savage sacking of Greek cities again by Gaulish tribes (Gauls before the Romans were baddass as much as Germanic folks... fortunately the Romans "civilized" us and we discovered wine!)

Edited 1/9/2016 12:33:14
A List of the Evil Things Civilizations Have Done.: 2016-01-09 13:01:22

Level 58
Scotland: Responsible for the roots of the CSA and KKK.
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