Is slight territory overlap okay?: 2016-01-11 22:00:55 |
[FCC] Zack105
Level 49
In making a map, is a slight overlap in borders OK? I figured that a slight overlap is better than a gap, am I wrong in doing so?
Is slight territory overlap okay?: 2016-01-12 19:28:29 |
Level 57
Inside a bonus even a full overlap is good too. Between bonus borders almost impossible to make the lines nor overlapped neither gapped. A slight overlap looks nice in high zooms as well. Nevertheless a slight consistent gap makes the bonus borders more distinguishable in full view.
Is slight territory overlap okay?: 2016-01-12 19:47:56 |
Dutch Desire
Level 60
Slight consistent gap = for bonus border Slight overlap/ borderlines on the same place = for territory border
Is slight territory overlap okay?: 2016-01-12 19:51:50 |
[FCC] Zack105
Level 49
Thanks, that clears it up
Is slight territory overlap okay?: 2016-01-12 20:19:11 |
Level 57
Slight overlap can be good even for bonus borders if really consistent and nowhere turns into full overlap or gap.
Is slight territory overlap okay?: 2016-01-13 18:08:52 |
Level 30
Are you aware of how to use split path, stroke to path and difference (presuming you are using inkscape)?
Is slight territory overlap okay?: 2016-01-13 20:48:25 |
[FCC] Zack105
Level 49
No, I don't use Inkscape