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WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 08:35:04

Level 56
i believe that the forum is dyign because some ppl post well fundamented stuff, like hauptmann, and most of us wont spend the time reading all that. If i want to read something long i will read elsewhere
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 09:35:44

Level 55
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 10:17:54

Level 57
Look at that, been back for a couple months and iNoob is accrediting me with killing the forums, oh sorry, let me try that so you'll actually read it:

ben bck 3 mnths n kilin da forum - better?
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 10:45:20

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
The dying forums can't be blamed on individuals. If there is any truth in what iNoob is saying then it seems as though the whole community is suffering from a chronically lazy mentality. Tl;dr is a ridiculous phrase. It encompasses a lot of the problems of the new technological generation. So many things are made easier by this little gizmo or that. The fact that so many people gain this unsightly characteristic is very worrying.

No doubt there are a host of problems leading to the conclusion that this thread highlights, but it's not only difficult to pinpoint the problems, but also improbable that anyone can really fix them. You can't fix human nature.

Oh, let me guess... Tl;dr?
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 11:24:03

Level 55
^^ for clarity, i was being sarcastic. I mean if inoob can't read others posts why bother reading his.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 11:42:02

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
I was making a generalization. I said it could not be blamed on individuals and I did not take your comment to be serious. If I were in your shoes I would have added a ';)' for effect.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 12:13:47

Level 57
The inherent problem with forums that is less prevalent (but still a problem) in typical conversation is the necessity to read the post, instead of listening (hearing, like seeing, is often very passive; you can hear or see things without listening to or watching them).

In order to give a proper response to a well written post you have to read it more than once (sometimes even three or four times) in order to understand it completely or at least sufficiently enough to give a well thought out answer. That's not worth the effort for most people playing this game.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 12:53:30

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
I see and I forget.
I hear and I remember.
I do and I understand.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 13:50:22

Level 10
এখনও যাচ্ছে? গম্ভীরভাবে?
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 14:07:54

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
Yes. It is still going. I suggest you speak English, however, as many people won't bother translating and may even hold a minor grudge against you. I doubt I am the only one who has notice you plastering the forum with Bengali musings.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 14:46:25

Level 59
okay i'v been quiet for a while here now... some good opinions here.

Imo the reason why the forums are dying is because of the lack of clan drama. Aranka's YAATs and relite patriotism was probably the highlight of the forum in the last few months, then it died down and revived a little when it came to jay's clan hopping. I recall there used to be threads dedicated to things like clan rankings, and i would enjoy myself watching hardcore clan leaders spend time pointlessly debating over their clan's merits. these things died when jay's clan league came around, now everyone knew which clans better than which, period.

One of the main reasons i created PG-13 was, i hoped, to restart some clan drama. this was why i invited the biggest trolls in Warlight and challenges some well estalished clans to a game. No boasting, but i knew, with a little puppeting, we coudl easily win some of those challenges, and we did, but unfortunately nobody seems to care so much these days. The hardcore clan patriots are gone. now theres nothing left. Many days i come on, and i leave, without making any comments.

we need more hardcore clan patriots to revive the forums.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 15:15:29

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
I don't think many self-respecting clan leaders would demean themselves in such a fashion. It gives people a bad reputation. Sure, a couple troll clans may have a crack at it (you included), but nobody takes them very seriously, even if they win. Perhaps it's just the way the forum has evolved (I wouldn't know. I missed a lot), but for now it doesn't seem likely that what you are looking for will be happening any time soon. As I said before, many problems, few workable solutions.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 15:27:36

Level 56
1. my post was a provocation
2. the reason why i joined pg-13 wiht my main account was to colaborate with pulsey in trolling
3. the end opf summer might have filled ppl's time
4. the quality of the forum's posts has been declinign for a lot of time, guess ppl got bored of it
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 15:34:54

Level 60
People come and go, such is life.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 17:04:29

{rp} GeneralGror
Level 58
I agree with L. I can't think of anyone who would take up that idea. We'll just have to wait for the next craze. ;)
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-03 21:55:16

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
These 'crazes' aren't exactly planned. Who can say when the next clan extravaganza, or such-like, will commence? As long as there are still threads of mild interest to peruse and comment on I do not care.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-04 02:26:29

Level 59
a lot of clans participated in clan drama. the Relites and Aranka, the 14-3 win, then sometimes Arun would get bullied by Jay and his pet trolls about Warlighters, than Jay would start bullshitting about his clan's merits, #Elite and their leader Beelz's stats, Gladiators and their farming antics, generally people who start fighting over clan's merits.

Good times for the forums...
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-04 16:47:00

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
The off topic caused the death of the forums. With them, witty trolling is limited.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-05 13:42:00

Daisuke Jigen
Level 56
Merely a stage in the evolution of clan mentality. I am sure that it will revert back to the old ways or, perhaps, begin a new era of clan drama in the foreseeable future.
WHats happening to forums?: 2013-10-05 14:25:15

Level 57
Just wait, if Fizzer updates the clan system to allow clan battles, things may get really interesting on the forums ;]
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