Saved games: 2016-01-16 11:43:50 |
Level 55
I've been having some issues lately with my saved single player games. Every now and then all the saved games get deleted and it's not like they were there for like ages allready, some where from the same day.
I have had this issue twice now in less than a week, so I do wonder why this happens. if someone could explain :)
Saved games: 2016-01-16 11:45:53 |
Fletcher Renn
Level 34
Well if your using different devices, they get saved to a device, not the server.
If not, it may be something about the flash storage being full, but I don't know much about that so someone could help if it is/
Saved games: 2016-01-16 22:28:19 |
Level 55
I only play on my pc, so only one device.. So flash storage you say, anyone have an idea what i can do against it? Is there maybe something alike a max off saved games you can have and if you go over it, you lose the saved games?