Question : How change backside color and put item?: 2013-10-04 01:33:08 |
Level 24
Hi everybody, i am making an original map but i want a blue like sea background color instead the basic Black ... In Inkscape i changed the color of the backside but when i upload this map, the backside is always black ....
And in another way, how can we show the background of Inkscape in Warlight ? For example if i dowload from the web an image of a treasuremap, how can i do to show this treasuremap on warlight after ? :x
Help me pls, i'll really appreciate your help on this subject to finish my map
(Sorry for the bad english, i'm french very bad in english...)
PS : I have problem when i try to make a territory composed by 2 isle (for only one territory) i use CTRL + G to groupe the both isle to one territory but when i must upload the map an error message tell me that SVG Groups can't be (etc...) I pass this problem with making one big territory which be cut by another object after with CTRL + - ^^
Edited 10/4/2013 01:57:44
Question : How change backside color and put item?: 2013-10-04 15:52:45 |
Level 50
Your first problem can be solved by drawing a large blue box on the backside of your map, and press Ctrl+End to ensure it's on the background. Warlight will render that box, but it won't render whatever background inkscape has set up.
And the second one can be solved much more easily than cutting an existing territory into pieces. Just select all your islands and press Ctrl+Shift+-. Grouping will do something different, and warlight doesn't like it ;-)
Question : How change backside color and put item?: 2013-10-05 12:41:29 |
Level 24
Thanks for your answers, i already knew for the second. But on the map "Fall of jerusalem" if you know this map, there is a very fully object background with a windcompass, boats and others things ^^
Question : How change backside color and put item?: 2013-10-05 14:23:58 |
Level 50
Yup. The boats, compasses and similar objects are all taken from other sites who put them online as svg files. You can ask the creator where he got those files, and he will probably know where to get more.