^ Ok he said the words differently, I knew he had said something along those lines but I did not know exactly what. I gave him to much credit because I thought he would be more direct in lying XD. Btw he did not have anything to do with creating the internet, period^ Yeah I know the website is a conservative shit hub but you can also find this on the Hill and entertainment weekly I was just to lazy to go out of my way for some with as little respect in debate as you do
The Hillary comment was made by her, The president, and many others. I am not giving you the link because this thing has been plastered all over the internet so if you really need a link when you can not just type in the words on a search imagine then I am not supporting your laziness lol.
Also, you need to learn to respect your opponents in debate, because your current way of doing really crapy. I have never called anyone ideas shitty and If I did I would have said sorry afterwards because that's the exactly the thing I condemn. People like you are unable to respect another persons ideas or thoughts and must for some reason attack them by generalization such as " your ideas are dump " " your ideas are shitty " and so forth. Japan, Ox, and Another are all liberals on WL who can actually bring up ideas that have a valid point without doing this nonsense. I highly suggest you take a lesson from them because if you did maybe others would take your political posts with more intreset instead of rolling there eyes and expecting
more rude outbursts and propaganda instead of a good clean debate
Also, when I said " turd " it was meant as a playful joke
Edited 1/29/2016 00:38:11