@Tabby Juggernaut:
I reported him some time ago, although I requested Fizzer that just the picture gets dealt with, and explicitly I requested that the behavior gets stopped but please do not punish the player.
I agree with how you handled this.
I don't even want to read any thread that he has posted in for fear that his image might be cartoon child porn which is criminal to intentionally possess in the US where I live in.
I just want to point out that, as long as no actual minor was involved in the production of the cartoon, such images are actually legal in the US (as far as I can tell, but I'm not a lawyer, so grain of salt...). So, I believe your fears over the legality of this for your situation (note, I'm saying nothing of the morality of it) are unnecessary.
With that being said, the situation is not so lenient elsewhere. This is a very good article on the subject, I believe it was written by someone from Sweden:
http://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2012/09/child-porn-laws-arent-as-bad-as-you-think-theyre-much-much-worse-2449840.html If you live where cartoon child porn is criminal (such as the US), please don't watch it.
Again, I believe it's legal in the US (as long as no actual minors are involved); but Sweden would potentially be a better example.
If you live where it is legal, please don't let people where it is banned see it.
I agree with this.
Please keep your cartoon porn to yourself.
As a personal preference, I understand your POV. As a general statement, it is too broad though, IMO, but...
There is no reason sexually-explicit material needs to exist on Warlight, which is not a pornography site. There is a lot of reasons for anything banned in US/EU/Russia/Japan/Australia to be banned on WL.
... I totally agree with this. Good post, Tabby.