It's a devious strategy, but a legal one. Good luck. :)
Forbidden Assets sells all stock in Ricochet RT in a preemptive measure, noting the company will leave the market today if it does not play on the RT ladder soon. $10 in fees charged. Dividends calculated before new purchases:
Mister T 1v1 gives $2.17 in dividends, but falls to a rating of $2,174.
Sze/Gnuff 3v3 remains stable at $2,125 and pays $2.13.
Here's the reason you can't buy stock that isn't currently ranked: So worthless it's at a negative value, well done!!!
Forbidden Assets reinvests its leftover funds into 6 shares of Fareck RT,, for $6270 + $10 in fees.
Forbidden Assets
Mister T 1v1 21740
Sze/Gnuff 3v3 21250
Fareck RT 6270
$ 129.25
Total 49389.25
Daily change: -0.25%