I made Impaller promise that he wouldn't post another thread, but I'm reneging on my own pact. Surely this is embarrassing but I felt the need to reiterate to everyone what they already knew: Don't take anything for granted against this guy!
No need to point out my mistakes, turn 17 was a lazy mistake made in "real-time," my last order should have been my Hawaii attack and it wasn't. And yes, it cost me dearly. Turn 19, just a great play by him... but again, me trying to induce a surrender within a few turns instead of playing it safe, grinding out a victory, and controlling the chokepoints.
These mistakes I shall not repeat (yes, I've said this before but I really mean it this time). Anyway, point being, I deserve to give him more praise rather then shuffling the game under the rug as if it didn't exist.
Watch carefully and you can learn a lot from this game - I know I did.
As a closing statement, I look forward to the day where I finally close one of these. When that day occurs expect a long posting or perhaps a hiatus from the site so that I can publish a memoir, entitled "The day I exploited Impaller's Incompetence." A best seller to be sure. And if the demand is there, perhaps one can be included with each new membership package :)