He misused the word strategic here, I think. Strategy in WL refers to 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and sometimes 4v4, where it is the ultimate test of "who is better at who" on a template. This "tactic" gamemode is basically a concept that Juq has that he's trying to bring forth, and not trying to say that his version of strategy is more strategic than the typical version of strategy.
I did not found the strategic gamemode, though I have popularised it (I know it sounds arrogant, but I mean you first heard it since I invited you to one, and I'm the only one I know of that hosts RT open tactic games). And by your meaning of strategic, I would call a duel/team duel.
I call the tactic and strategic gamemodes (in my meaning) their names since they force using other tacts and other strategies, often more tacts at a time, whether it's traps, beelines, pocketing, or deployment limits. Normal gamemode is pretty limited to what tacts and strategies you can do - for example, can you, if you are heavily losing, still win basically by doing a surprise checkmate (I love when that happens in chess), in a normal game? Quite rarely. In short, "strategic" gamemode = a few strategies and tacts; strategic gamemode = loads more strategies and tacts.