Xpapy. Quit making up random shit.
This graph displays the sites traffic rank among all other sites. Last October was around the highest activity the site has ever had, then it dipped a bit, and is now once again increasing.
Quit making up baseless bullshit like a fucking idiot just to try and fit your "Fizzer sucks" agenda.
I don't know why you've the agenda you have, but I know it's a very common one - to hate them since you ain't them.
That's not even a graph of raw visitors, just relative rankings. Nor does it go back to January '15, when the dashboard update was. Nor does it account for diplomacy folk in particular, just all folk (which outnumber the diplomacy-only folk). You're taking the wrong population, the wrong dates, and wrong kind of data.
If there was more (free) evidence other than my recalling, I would show you, but as is, you can do enough with shutting up, as such a rotted brain should.