Is anybody else working on the AI challenge? I've started and have some fun ideas, but I need help.
Does anybody have a visualizer? I'm starting to look at Graphvis, but have never used it before. Has anyone found a c# lib that could draw the maps so I can see what the bot is doing? I've heard the XDK might have something, but haven't looked into it.
Until now, I just tweaked the WarlightAIChallenge to use a simplified map and starting positions (below). From there you can just draw the current map state, but this doesn't scale.
Any ideas are welcome. Thanks.
static CustomScenario CreateInitialDistribution(MapDetails map)
var scenario = CustomScenario.Create(map);
scenario.SetAll(null, 2);
scenario.Territories[(TerritoryIDType)1].Slot = (SlotType)0;
scenario.Territories[(TerritoryIDType)8].Slot = (SlotType)1;
return scenario;
public static void Main(string[] args)
var mapDefinition = File.ReadAllText("LesTestMap.txt");
TerritoryDefinition 1 LeftStart 2 3
TerritoryDefinition 2 LeftTop 1 3 4
TerritoryDefinition 3 LeftBottom 1 2 5
TerritoryDefinition 4 CenterTop 2 5 6
TerritoryDefinition 5 CenterBottom 3 4 7
TerritoryDefinition 6 RightTop 4 7 8
TerritoryDefinition 7 RightBottom 5 6 8
TerritoryDefinition 8 RightStart 6 7
BonusDefinition 3 Left 1 2 3
BonusDefinition 2 Center 4 5
BonusDefinition 3 Right 6 7 8