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Using Inkscape: 2016-02-28 21:27:40

Level 36
I have been wanting to make a Warlight map so I looked up how to do it and got all the way to installing Inkscape. When I loaded into the program and took the time to change the settings in the way the wiki told me to I was baffled. The draw space looked super small for a map and I couldn't figure out how to change the color of my pencil or even use anything. This is my first time ever using software to draw so I have no prior knowledge. Can anyone direct me to either settings I should have it on or videos explaining the Inkscape process and using the software. Thanks in advance!
Using Inkscape: 2016-02-28 21:48:19

[FCC] Zack105
Level 49
For your first map, don't worry about colors. All the territories will be gray anyways- don't matter what you make them. As for the pencil, I recommend you used the pen(I believe it is so called) tool. It makes paths by points- you click, it marks a point. I'm explaining this really badly xD. As for the size, I'm not sure. Could you send a pic? I'll try to see what the issue is, and also circle the pen tool for you.

Note: Useful for when you get to making territories and bonuses

Edited 2/28/2016 21:49:17
Using Inkscape: 2016-02-28 22:11:30

Level 56
I don't know the answers to your specific questions, but I do know that the online help is pretty good and includes links to tutorials for specific features. I would spend some time digging around in there, and searching for tutorials in google and youtube.
Using Inkscape: 2016-02-28 22:29:46

Level 55
there are plenty good youtube tutorials for inkscape. First of all: dont use the pencil at first place! use bezier curves. try to get familiar with them they are much more accurate. IF you insist to use the pencil simplify your objects with *ctrl+L* - otherwise it will look super messy.
Colour changing (unfortunately I dont have an english version, so there can be differences with the path direction): main bar: object -> filling and conture
over there you can change the filling colour of the object or the colour of the rim.

Edited 2/28/2016 22:30:04
Using Inkscape: 2016-02-28 22:37:26

Level 36
I am referring to the WL wiki page https://www.warlight.net/wiki/Creating_the_SVG that says put 900x900 pixels into the custom size and turn the background black
Using Inkscape: 2016-02-28 22:52:37

An abandoned account
Level 56
To change the size, go file > document properties.
Using Inkscape: 2016-02-28 23:37:02

Level 55
you dont need to change the background colour. If you have none, warlight will set it up to black right after you upload the map.
Using Inkscape: 2016-02-29 01:36:32

Level 36
I'm saying the size looked too small to draw in. Can I ask previous map makers, did you zoom in or use a different size?
Using Inkscape: 2016-02-29 02:04:03

Level 46
Zoom in

900 x 900 should be enough for a solid small-medium map

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphic, which means if you zoom in or out it will still look pretty

Edited 2/29/2016 02:04:47
Using Inkscape: 2016-02-29 18:24:19

Level 30
a 20x20 pixel circle is around the size of a 2 digit number. Each territory should be able to hold around 5 20x20 circles. A 900 x 900 map is kinda small but should be fine. Just zoom in (ctrl+scroll wheel).
Using Inkscape: 2016-03-01 10:43:12

Level 55
you can also extend the mapsize up to 3200x2800px. Im not pretty sure, but I guess that was the limit.
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