This is very intrusive and disrespectful to the Blitz clan imo from the CORP clan.
Here we see a Where this is a event originally organised by OxTheArtist and from a CORP Leader. From those 414 posts in that thread nobody from the Blitz or maybe Strategic community? Tried to de-rail that thread I linked above.
But when I see posts like this:
"At first I thought Masters and AHoL had a baby, and a drunken Master clan had popped up, but then I realised these gad damn Wizards have been here for a while xD
helo "
It shows there is no effort for regarding Blitz and the whole point of the thread. It really just breaks up the community and instead of leaving threads it is the same group of idiots who are "self - centered" so much that even though there own personal threads are not de-rail e.g they decide to de-rail others.
You have the off-topic to discuss this irrelevant conversation to the OP but instead of privately discussing this you CHOICE to discuss it on a very relevant thread to the clan community.