*On the assumption you are a main account
Ok first thing is first! This should be in the general thread, As the help forum is in relation to how the site mechanics actually work.. If that makes any sense! Anywho
Ok you are doing better than most level 15s as you are making 6 picks... This is good. But since you understand basic picking lets advance into advance picking! So this would be roughly two parts 1. Efficiency and 2. Move Order
So lets talk about 1. Efficiency really quickly..
Lets take a look at your South Africa and North Africa and compare them to South America take a quick look and try to come out with an answer of whats so different about them? Here is the answer... If we look at South America it is 4 bonus for a 5 territory. While if we look at South + North Africa it is 3 bonus for 5 territory bonus. So you could be spending armies on achieving a extra territory on taking a bonus which is not even worth the same as South America! So efficiency is important. A general rule to help newbies is to divide the amount of the bonus over the territories so e.g South America 4/5 = 0.8 the more the more efficient it is!
2. Move Order
This is knowing the game mechanics of Warlight and exploiting them for your own gain. I'm going to try and describe this as simple as possible. You will always get either your 1 pick or 2 pick! So lets imagine if we were playing a 1v1 ladder game and we made the exact same picks, Assuming I got the first pick and I am player A it would be divided like this (ABBAAB) so I would get my 145 picks while you would get your 236 pick. This is complicated but can be easily learned off if effort was made.
This is roughly some stuff out of the top of my head. Hopefully it helped if you have any problems or somewhat think i can help you out a little bit more, Please don't hesitate to give me a mail