I did some work on the Wunderwaffe since the release however I did nothing related to the kind of crashes players were reporting right after the autopilot launched. Do the crashes still occur and under which circumstances?
My current version of Wunderwaffe is capable to play with all WarLight settings except for local deployment. The ability to deploy everywhere is to deeply in my code. Also stuff like multiattack gets ignored.
My next planned steps are: - Make Wunderwaffe capable to play all cards except for Diplo and Blockade.
- Make Wunderwaffe work smarter when more than 1 opponent is involved. Currently it probably throws all at his first opponent while more or less ignoring the second.
- Make Wunderwaffe expand smarter (applies mainly for huge expansion maps).
Edited 4/21/2016 21:45:17
Looking for guys working on the Wunderwaffe bot: 2016-04-24 14:48:39