Yeah Bayern, the map itself is awesome. You taking your hatred for CORP on a map, very mature. Also as Prab said even though CORP has helped you out so many times to hate on the clan for no real reason is extremely childish
Official CORP's map is now public!: 2016-03-18 19:44:31
Calls himself a prejudice angry Scot , although ponderously this never flows in alcohol. Briefly said: a fake drunk guy.
No... wait what!
for my part he doesn't even deserve the right to call himself drunk! Are you bringing me up with your pro-Scotland propagenda? Those shitposts are of the same quality as Scotland itself,
pure shite for eyes to watch.
.. And not even willing to help this community at all. Burn him on stake!
Official CORP's map is now public!: 2016-03-18 19:53:26