Slash the cost of college drastically to affordable levels.
No, against a plan that can only be done through taxes.
Decease standardized testing. Leave it to school districts to determine whether or not to have tests.
Heck, no. Standardised testing is very much needed, to see how you compare nationally, not some Bumblefaff state in which noone cares about. It gives you national credits, not some Bumblefaff credits.
Reform the national minimal standards. This time with a team based on content specialists not education specialists.
What does that even mean? Content specialists, not teaching specialists? Maybe I'm for, but I have no clue what you're talking about.
Leave it to state legislatures to determine their illegals crises.
Heck, no. That just makes a system which can be greatly abused. Say you live in a state that illegalises gay marriage and cannibis. Then you just drive to a state that does have gay marriage and cannibis. But can you do that if gay marriage/cannibis is illegalised everywhere/do you need to do that if gay marriage/cannibis is legalised everywhere? And yeah, you can do that with foreign borders, kind of, but the amount of folk who have access and want to go to foreign borders are much lower than states.
Reduce public worker salaries and pensions.
Just get rid of government pensions fully, along with that.
Enforce strict limitations on allowed campaign funds.
This is impossible to do. You can say "no donations over 5 $" or something like that, but then all that's going to happen is, instead of getting a 1,000,000 $ donation, you'll get 200,000 5 $ donations.
"Genghiscare" You will receive technically free care when you have intense injuries or health conditions only if you sign up for the genghiscare. Simply, if you sign up for it you will chip in a little to the whole so that you help others and others help you in your time of crises. If you do not sign up, you will not be fined.
So it's by choice? Noone rich is going to "chip in", then.
Invest in nuclear energy
Have some foresight, eh? Nuclear energy is like petroleum - hurting to the environment and limited. It's alternative, but bad.
Maintain interests in fossil fuels.
No. Frankly, if the UN actually meant anything, petrol would be internationally banned, it's hurting everyone. "Interests" in fossil fuels have killed millions.
Work to ensure standard of living whilst minimum wage is dissolved.
Heck, no. Standard of living is whatever you accept it to be with your job-giver.
(States could still maintain minimum wages)
Then it's not really dissolving minimum wage, is it? The problem stays.
-Try to resolve Palestine issue peaceably.
-Work with the region to take down ISIL.
-negotiate methods to extract unnecessary military personnel and military bases.
Possibly lift sanctions, but it is hard to predict what would happen by 2018/19.
Moreover, how about not being hypocritic with sanctions, and sanction Turkey, Eritrea, and itself?
Maintain NATO but decrease intervention.
Put intervention at 0*. This is supposedly a "defence pact" - not an offence pact (and don't say pre-emptive strike, either.
Leave it to the courts.
But you are the courts.
Get rid of retarded legislation, keep the legislation that protects Internet users from government.
You think that will do a thing? Oh, it's been illegalised to do that, well, guess what, CIA will do it anyway. Just like human rights violations such as torture has been illegalised internationally, the CIA still does it.