"extensive" writeup on news Winter 2015 would probably have masterful writing and design (assuming I get helpers with that stuff to do it for me :). It would keep many elements of the single-day writeups I've been doing, just losing the drunk feel to it.
Here's In Front of the Macroscope, if you haven't seen that. I went on with that, hopefully it would be much of the same; Zephyrum is willing to help me with posting pictures so that's not a problem.
The chemistry one, I'd try to keep the silliness to a minimum, since when I write for clans and polit, you know much the same stuff I do, and I'm more free to joke, since most folk interested can tell apart joke and truth. It wouldn't be much lower, but you could tell what's joke, what's not. Preferably want an editor for this one who actually knows there stuff on it (a chemist).
"Infrequent" daily writeups, they'd mostly say at the same quality, since I get to spend less time analysing and perfecting, and more time chugging something that is, at base, fun to read and need-to-know stuff. Here's the two if you haven't seen it:;, I'm going to not have as much time to work on these, so be warned. Hopefully once or twice a week, I can do these (except for the "extensive" Winter 2015).