timon, if you are too lazy to search I'm sure that other people who don't know what you're talking about will also be too lazy to search. get off your ass if you want to see MA in WSOW lol.
I'll keep Turkey LD in consideration, I am still confused over where all this anti LD sentiment came from...? Though I'd like Timi to expand on what templates he thinks emphasizes pick luck too much and whether he thinks it's a template problem or a map problem.
If you're going to include local deployments and multi-attack for the sake of diversity, then what about commanders, complete fog, alternate kill ratios or no split mode?
This is a really good question!
MA has been a feature of warlight since before I started playing, and has a niche group of people who like playing it. It has recently become more popular among strategic players so I am tempted to include it.
Local Deployments is relatively new but has still been out for a while. People are still pretty split on this, but the Turkey LD template used on both the seasonal ladder and the real time ladder was a big hit with many tournaments being created on this template outside of ladders.
Commanders - Lolowut has been very outspoken about this, that commanders aren't strategic until you can customize the weight of the commander. It's also a newer feature that I haven't seen used much in strategic play.
Complete Fog - I don't view this as strategic. Can you prove me wrong with a provided template? Note that French Brawl uses a ligher fog setting.
Alternate kill ratios - I've become fond of Fast MME (known commonly as "Fast Earth") which has a higher offensive kill ratio than defensive. I've added it to the list of templates to be considered. Higher defensive kill ratio tends to be more boring and prolong games.
No split mode - this is a possibility, but I haven't seen any love for this mode outside of that one ladder season. Anyone disagree?
So in summary... I think I would like to try to strike a balance between template diversity and popularity. I don't want to use obscure templates that rewards people who have played it before over people encountering it for the first time, but I also don't want to use the same kinds of templates over and over, because the goal here is to test warlight skill over a large number of scenarios.