Whats the proper etiquette on whether to ask your opponent if he wants to surrender? I have been playing a ton of auto games recently and when i feel like their is no possibility for them to win i ask them to surrender and likewise when im losing i surrender. Recently two games arose (
http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer.aspx?GameID=1313892 and another i cant find) where i asked the opponent to surrender. In the game i linked my income was 25 to his 5 and i was routing him and the other was in a similar position. In both games my opponent said i was being disrespectful and i replied something along the lines of im not trying to be disrespectful the games over and i just feel like we're wasting both of our times finishing this game off. Then in both games the reply was something along the lines of i shouldnt ask them to surrender even though its a position they should surrender. The linked game then said "its not you, its me" and the other guy said "im just having a bad day dw about it". in other games ppl surrender and wish me a gg and in other games people say no thanks and finish it to the end.
am i wrong to ask people to surrender in 5 minute boot games where they have no possibility of winning?