This will be a dictionary of all 1337 Haxor WarLight Terms. All pros can add to this terms dictionary to help teach the noobish. Example of how the dictionary will work: You will add to the dictionary with all your 1337 Haxor Terms , such as FTB (noun) - First Turn Bonus Mirror Picks (noun) - Choosing the same picks
Help a noobish in your area by adding to the WarLight Urban Dictionary today.
Boston special: picking ant aus indo 1,2,3 going all in: deploying your entire income and attacking first turn with it. going soft: late attack with 5 getting 135ed: recieving your first third and fifth picks and being totally luck-fucked as a result because your 1,2 were a combo and your 3,4,5 were a combo and its counter. So you now have 3 countered picks. Getting luck-fucked: making justifiable choices and ending up with a horrible position due to bad luck. triple pick: picking 3 warlords all in direct contact with one bonus. The closest WL comes to a "rush" as seen in RTS. Usually a gimmicky do or die. counter: a pick that you dont intend to complete, but make to get positional advantage.
PG13 pink I see nothing wrong you're just stating stuff out of nowhere. Now tell me something useful troll and nothing like "You're a total idiot." for absolute no reason.
Gangbanged: (noun) usually in a diplo or FFA, all allies and enemies attack you for no reason other than to boost their own income. Usually followed by: gg- (noun) im being a baby goodbye i blisted all of you
This thread is useful though, Pink, as the words gathered here can be added to the WL wiki dictionary. There's only 11 entries, it could use an update.
Muahahaha, soon I will have an archive of these and can confuse all my teammates and my enemies! I mean, yay! Good job on helping n00bish guys, keep it up!