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I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 02:45:25

Level 54
I just uploaded my first attempt at modding in Sid Meier's Civilization V with the Mod : Battle of Verdun. If you have issues finding it let me know, otherwise tell me whatever else on the website :3
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 03:27:15

Level 64
Csgo maps csgo maps csgo maps
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 03:29:33

Level 54
^ +1


Edited 3/28/2016 03:29:41
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 03:50:30

What is this cancer?
Level 5
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 03:58:37

Cata Cauda
Level 59
Csgo maps csgo maps csgo maps

CS GO sucks.
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 04:03:36

Level 54
Dont let the Russians hear you say that
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 05:03:15

Level 60
CS:GO does suck, though. It's more mechanically retarded than Call of Duty.
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 05:05:44

Level 60
Here's the link because Genghis Khancer was too lazy to send it. Saving some slanks a couple minutes because I was pretty mad at the fact I had to lactually search >:(

I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 05:19:21

Level 56
If you want to talk about retardedness in games, that's every game made past 1998, pretty much. I mean, wtf is a mouse? Little rats who run their penis balls on your desk? Or have trouble running on unflat land? Shouldn't be necessary to play a game, nor use a computer. Computers have gone down in interface, greatly.

Now, Doom. Doesn't need a mouse (vertic auto-aiming). Is the best game ever in words of reliability. Heretic, if you like item systems. Strife, if you like RPG. Quake 1, if you like modern games. But then Half-life 1 and Quake 2 somehow made mouses the unbroken norm. They would have been awesome games otherwise (especially Quake 2).

Also, who the hell in their right mind would by a wireless mouse? Wireless mouses need to be burned for energy, like the poop they are, since they're absolute rubbish. They need batteries, they are laggy, they get lost, I mean, what is this rubbish of a rubbish?

Edited 3/28/2016 05:23:45
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 05:22:20

Level 54
CS : GO is pretty stupid in that there is not much variety.

I'd really like it if CS:GO had different "modes". For example, err

Noob Mode
Much more health, pre-set loadouts

A Loadouts Mode
Have a certain budget with which you can make a loadout

HP Regen Mode
Make it possible to regenerate health, be it regenerate a little, all of it or very slowly.
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 05:25:18

Level 54
PC Gaming is a huge advent in history. As well as the modern computer.

With the modern computer, you have access to human history, all science, literature and entertainment. There is nothing you cannot do when you have the internet. Except learn a trade. You need a guy to show you how to do that.
I'm Now On The Steam Workshop :)!: 2016-03-28 09:46:30

Level 36
It seems like a fun enough mod.
But I didn't expect you to only have 650 hours played.
What a pleb
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