Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 03:05:16 |

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3515322/Please-don-t-shoot-Unarmed-father-shot-dead-police-officer-hotel-begged-life-crawling-knees-moments-killed.htmlThis is what the second amendment is for. It is not for duck hunting. It is not for robbers. It is for the real threat to humanity: Unrestricted Government. A police officer gets a slap on the wrist for the murder of a completely innocent citizen. A citizen, a human, added to the millions of killed by unrestricted government. Just like the young child killed by a police officer for having a toy in his hands. Just like the Armenian Child killed by a Ottoman officer. Just like the Congolese slave killed by a Belgian worker for not collecting enough rubber. This is not a race problem. This is a problem of human creation. Humans constantly slack off on their duty to control this fire. This fire that has burned away millions of lives. This fire must be actively controlled for the good of all humans. When it goes uncontrolled, it kills, kills as much as it wants. Even the country that has gotten semi-mythical status through it's economy controlling policies is guilty of being belligerent. Forced sterilization in Sweden targeted the Sampi, for the purity of the Swedish population. Even now it occurs against the Transexuals. Is that the future the national socialists want? They might pass it off and say it's ok because you get to have the government feed you. But what happens when they don't want to feed you because of ethnicity? You starve to death. This is what happened in Ukraine in the Holodimir. In India in WW2. Face it. Government not restricted by the people kills.
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 03:30:45 |

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Forced sterilization (not sure why they would need that stuff, but it's still intruding very far into someone when it's not necessary.) They are also not allowed to store any sperm or eggs at all, for children.
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 03:40:10 |

Level 60
Some posts really challenges my Free Speech view.... From what I've seen on statistics they kill themselves more often, so i take that into consideration when i say we should help them figure out why they are thinking this way and how we can get them back into natural balance with their physical selves.
Sorry if i see you as a girl with really short dyed hair before a Pansexual genderfluid African giraffe named Nae-Oh-Qi. This is just so disrespectfull.
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 03:45:17 |

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Not really, Cata called the US uncivilized , showing how the national socialists view the world that's not Europe.
Genghis was still being a dick though. Probably because his is classified as a microorganism.
Edited 3/31/2016 03:47:12
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 03:50:37 |

Level 54
Be gay be straight, but as you soon as you are pan/tran/genderqueer you're effectively disregarding anything that's natural and healthy. This is more personal insight, but again there is still the statistic that trans kill themselves more often. I'm fairly certain that's indicative of more than a gender issue but a sincere mental health issue like depression or social anxiety that can be easily discussed with a psychologist.
People see those who take the conservative social stance on this as monsters, but i think we are just helping people who aren't thinking healthily.
I don't want to live in a world where my child has no gender, where i can't just point out the male genitals and say he's a boy, there is no other gender he could possibly be, because the proof is there.
I'm not sure what you meant by forced sterilization, smed? I'm all for getting rid of punishing trans like that, but I'm not for trans. On lgbt, i take the stance that the left commonly takes on prison. Let's not punish, let's help them.
I'm not saying i look down on trans, much like a peer who is having issues understanding trigonometry, I'd like to help a person who is having issues understanding their set gender.
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 03:56:22 |

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Social anxiety and depression is most likely caused by not being able to actually identify as what you believe you are , due to societal pressures and the biological restrictions. Besides, most of these conditions (LGBT conditions) occur due to hormonal changes in the womb, and not by birth. It's most likely that those won't be passed down.
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 04:05:01 |

Level 56
From what I've seen on statistics they kill themselves more often, so i take that into consideration when i say we should help them figure out why they are thinking this way and how we can get them back into natural balance with their physical selves.
Sorry if i see you as a girl with really short dyed hair before a Pansexual genderfluid African giraffe named Nae-Oh-Qi.
This is just so disrespectfull. He kind of has a point, in my opinion, but what I'm most miffed about is how hypocritic these folk are. I mean, look Be gay be straight, but as you soon as you are pan/tran/genderqueer you're effectively disregarding anything that's natural and healthy. This is more personal insight, but again there is still the statistic that trans kill themselves more often.It's basically again, arbitrary standards. Either be against gays and other weird-sexes, or against. Gays kill themselves more often, too. Transexualists are more hated, though and kill themselves more often, and asexualists are the most hated of the LGBT group (besides Fraining, which is an umbrella category, I believe), since it's thought to be the most unnatural, even amongst gays and transexualists, to not love at all. If you're going to be transphobic, you gotta be gayphobic as well, and if you're going to be philes, then philes both. I don't want to live in a world where my child has no gender, where i can't just point out the male genitals and say he's a boy, there is no other gender he could possibly be, because the proof is there. Stop being melodramatic. Heterosexes will always by far make up the majority. Also, gender is chosen by the person themself, sex is the sex organ the person has*.
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 04:15:00 |

Level 56
Stop being arbitrary. Either hate both gays and trans, or like both, there's no middle ground here, either you're 100% for LGBT kilosexualism or 0%, you can't be for gays but not lesbians.
Edited 3/31/2016 04:15:53
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 04:20:39 |
Level 57
Hey, here's a solution, it's called making the police responsible for every bullet fired(It's done in Germany, and the cops are basically required to know exactly where their bullet landed on the target), and Germany has the lowest police related by ratio of any state in which live ammunition is handed out to Cops.
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 04:22:41 |

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
I don't think we should ever be looking to Germany as a solution to over belligerent police problems, but ok it's a good solution. Still doesn't weaken the government well enough, but hardly a single thing will.
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 04:23:58 |

Level 56
What is "properly"? I'm a kilosexualist who rotates between boy, girl, boygirl, neither boy, nor girl, elephant, and 993 other sexes. Or in the case of transexualists, just a girl who feels like a boy, that is identification, too. There's only black and white here, either you're phile for all LGBT, or phobe. What is arbitrary and what isn't arbitrary is subjective in and of itself. Like the meter. What an arbitrary measurement. Or the second. Try wrapping your head around how we came up with seconds before looking it up. Stop your philosophy rants, you trying to sound smart or something? It's just hypocrisy to support something for some grounds, but then not support the other for pretty much the same grounds.
Father executed by police officer: 2016-03-31 04:33:10 |

Level 56
Physical reality is s lot different than what's it's in your head.
Like communism versus the reality of capitalism. Again, shut up with the philosophy. That is to say, you can pretend you are a girl, but you have a penis. So, yeah. You are boy by sex (unless you get sex change, in which some do), but girl by gender.
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