Hi, I create this topic to get some feedbacks on my lord of the rings map.
https://www.warlight.net/Play?PreviewMap=55017I recently added some changes :
-> Focus on cities of importance : Isengard and Helm's Deep are cut in two and give 2 armies, Minas Tirith and Barad-Dur are cut in two and give 3 armies. These cities have a new design (tree of gondor for minas tirith, sauron's eye for barad-dur ..)
-> Focus on the Minas Tirith Battle : Pelennor Fields and Emyn Armen are cut in two for more strategic battle. Corsairs of Umbar can now attack Pelennor Fields by the sea. They can also attack a new Gondor port : Pelargir.
-> Some paths through the mountains are more difficult to cross : New territory next to Mount Dolmed, Moria Mines have now 3 territories (and give 2 armies), two new territories next paths of the Dead
-> South Mirkwood is cut in two as it was a large territory.
-> Bonus modifications :
- due to new territories :
Rohan : 8->10
Gondor : 10->12
Dark Mirkwood : 1->2
Ithilien : 2->3
- Other reasons :
Rhun : 3->4
Arnor : 9->8
Lord of the Seas : 1->0
It will really help me if you tell me how the map could be improved.
Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
(All my maps :
Edited 4/2/2016 11:58:02