I think that's more up North that this happens because I rarely hear kids cuss down here, at the worst they'll say things like "Oh my God" and "hate".
Oh, SE America has it's own problems. For example, there was that senator in Lousianne. Personally punched his girlfriend in the face, later that day hired two strippers seen by the police who wanted to ask him why he punched his girlfriend, and this was all done when he was already under investigation for gambling and embezzling.
And that time in Florida when the aliens gave mankind a video game that sucked (Helious and Helious 2, in case anyone wants to try, they're free now).
Well whoop de fucking doo, like that has anything to do with what I said.
What you said: "What's happening to America today?". And Japan-philia is happening, that is.
Edited 4/5/2016 00:08:08