If immigrants are so good for a country, why couldn't they do anything good to help the situation in their home country?
They usually do, but they want to move for whatever grounds. Job calls for it, wanting a site with less crime, something like that. Fine with me, let them help your country.
A small happening indeed! A small happening that they were only fondled and raped! None died, this proves the refugees are peaceful!
Noone died, this is a small happening in my opinion. Many were greatly annoyed, to say the least, but the count of folk who were physically injured was 3, the rest, it was just an illegal doing, but noone got hurt, noone's lives are in peril. It's important to put things to scale. In Lahor, 75+ folk lost their lives, 300+ injured, and here you are talking about Köln where not even 5 folk were injured.
Ah and how humanitarian were the attacks in Paris, carried out by some of these 'refugees'?
As I said earlier, immigrants more often than not have lower crime rates than nativities. How about the 800 others murdered in France that year, almost wholly by native French?
You can sit on your moral high ground, whine about 'humanitarianism' and feel good about yourself, but what have you actually done to help these refugees yourself? Have you offered your own house or food for refugees? You seem to think countries can draw up imaginary resources out of nowhere to help and shelter the influx of thousands of people!
I greatly value human life, yes. So if that's moral high ground, the world truly has become quite a disgusting site. Also, what I do is irrelevant to the argument, but I don't think - I know. The great majority of studies on the top show that immigration brings economic growth, along with other good things. But let's assume that even they don't, and take a few countries along with average GHP, and see how much they can take in while keeping the average tenfold above the World Bank poverty line of 694 $/year, and assuming each immigrant takes net 694 $ each year (even though that's, again, hardly is shown to happen).
America alone would be able to take in 22 thousand million leeches alone, more than Earth's population.
How does the part where we could take 18 million each year and still do nothing not mean anything to you? We need to solve root issues, not symptoms.
Why stop at 18 million? That bloke had nothing to back up his claim that somehow taking away immigrants makes more, or that America would, oh boy, collapse, if they did something as radic as taking in as much as 2 million immigrants each year. Just take in all 800 million.