Warlight aims to ensure that there is no unfair play. That members don't have an advantage against non-members and for the most time this was the case however not anymore. The fact that Commanders are used in RT ladder while non-members can't create games with commanders creates a problem in that players who aren't members can't practise this template.
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=10950388If you look at the public chat although not in English. Basically states that my opponent didn't understand how commanders work, not being able to practise with it leads to a problem where members can achieve more experience with this new feature. I have many similar cases that I've experienced where my opponent has no idea what to do.
Fizzer has stated that commanders need to be used in the RT ladder as it is now a feature of warlight and all features should be represented in the RT ladder. He has also taken the effort to change some of the temps on the RT ladder but the problem commanders is still a problem.
I would suggest Fizzer remove the temps that use commanders on the RT ladder or allow commanders to be used after a certain level like most features.