FK rises +0.1%, +$3.72, to 3744.46.
The other investors are still having a rough time, GeneralPE falls another -$27.69 and Falconguy falls another -7.80.
Since FK promised to share dividends, each player gets another 70 cents, automatically reinvested to their portfolios by the percentages they have allocated to each stock. Therefore, the following transaction:
GeneralPE buys 0.007709041468 shares of PII, and places the remaining $0.02 of the dividend into his spare change.
Falconguy leaves $0.03 in spare change, then buys:
0.001844624632 shares of AAPL
0.002766936948 shares of UA
0.00922312316 shares of GM
0.001106774779 shares of AARMQ
0.0006571314073 shares of Microsoft
While the extra $0.70 is small change, pun intended, compared to the hundreds of dollars both investors have lost since the thread began, it is noteworthy that there's still plenty of time for their portfolios to bounce back... and when they do, it'll be glorious.
A famous investor once said, after all, that it's time in the market, not timing of the market, that leads to the big $$$$$$.
Current standings are here,
Edited 5/10/2016 00:10:53