Well, typically words ending in -a are woman. Do you two really know if she is man?
Rule 30: There are no girls on Internet.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KmAGX6pm7e4/Tyae8plJz3I/AAAAAAAABhc/okziuOJS6i8/s1600/rules-of-the-internet-regulu-internetu-ed-zen444-original.jpgI still like that I've been mentioned. :3
My four:
Zephyrum - to make a hair club
Ox or Koala - to have a party animal
Semicedevine - to have someone to make fun of OR Żuk - to have someone actually smart :P
Cata the Cat - to have someone pretend to not like us
(order completely random)
Alternatively, Timinator, ps, Gustave II and MoD. WGL+elitist prickism everyday, yay!
Edited 5/2/2016 10:45:55