I won't support either, though Trump is preferable to Clinton. He wouldn't be able to do crunk, and has less blood on his hands.
Presidents can do what they want. Trump's just, at base, really untaught and dumb about polit, or does like that way, and the two national gatherings in America are both conservative as well, so that's opening the gate to hell.
Also, Trump is conservative - I don't know how anyone can say he is not conservative, he is just more conservative than most the Republicans.
Clinton, if she does 100% everything she says she wants to, it would still be way better than Trump doing 50% what he says he will.
Vote Trump make America a third world country again!
Mm, I would say the Democrats are closer to this, militarism and closed borders generally bring in (and keep) your money and resources.
Bernie needs to leave, he should have been gone more than a month ago. He is harming his party's frontrunner.
I don't understand this thought path, I'm not for or against anybody leaving (except policy-wise - what they say they will do). I would understand it if you were a Clinton supporter, but I don't think you are. If one fellow ran, they'd get all the votes, if two fellows, run, they'd on average get more votes than 3 fellows, and so on, but for the best customisation of policies, as many fellows as possible should run.
He's, well different.
What really stands him out from the rest of the Republicans? How makes him "different"?
he makes sure his words are heard.
How's that?
He's promising change, and as he says, "Hyuge Change".
But what specifically?
BRICS is just a media/geopolitics hack buzzword that's not really useful anymore.
These 5 countries are lightly allied, pretty powerful (except for Mzansi) countries, and meet every year, sometimes making a few organisations between themselves.