1. Damn, wanted Random
2. Damn, wanted WR
3. Wop wop! Raise to 3 :D
4. yeah keep it at 5 imo
5. The only way is Europe
6. RDR is ok, but I much prefer 2, 3, and 4 (Raj, GMEIII and the better RDR imo). I also LOVE FFVII WR. HOW did it rate so badly? Everything else seems in order.
7. Battle Islands, Guiroma, Greece, Treasure Map, China top 5. Good to know they're staying <3 I like them. I guess EA&O is here to stay.
So we'll swap Turkey LD for France LD, which was the highest rated LD template. We'll also swap Season I for Old Strat 1v1, and swap Heavy Earth for French Brawl.
This is OK. I'm glad Strat 1v1 is on the RT ladder, and I love French Brawl. I'd much rather Season I was replaced with Phobia or Antarctica... :S It's still such a shame that FFVII did so poorly. Legi's Black Sea, Raj, Qina, GME III are also cool
But shouldn't you swap out an LD template for an MA template? They're both interesting peripheral settings, and I think this vote proved that MA is more popular than LD, so why not have MA Snow Mountains?
Anyway, this was a lot of criticism, but overall I am really satisfied with it. 1v1 ladder showed that the majority is with SR, 2v2 ladder got lots better, 3v3 ladder stayed good, next Seasonal will be fun, and RT ladder got a lot better! Thanks for this change and allowing us to vote, can't show more gratitude! :D