"You're incoherent." "I have a formula" "Don't need google." (Umm, yeah you do) "I caught them redhanded !!!!!!!!!" "waaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha" "I'm not the average guy" (I definitely agree here)
Edited 6/19/2016 03:23:29
name is anonym's Words of Wisdom!: 2016-06-19 03:38:07
"the forums are dominated by me" "I'm a proxy strategist. I know a lot about vpn ! I have learned the strategy." "You can't call a continent racist. It's incoherent to say that a continent is racist." "You're one of the poisons of warlight, you're a nazi. Poisons need to be removed from this site." "Adam is our father." [talking to me] (my father was not named Adam, by the way, and 1416 is not my brother - or maybe my whole life's a lie??? I'm secretly a gay Muslim berber who smokes weed while reading the Reading?) "it's obvious that socialism is disgusting."
name is anonym's Words of Wisdom!: 2016-06-22 13:56:33