I'm not a big fan of handicaps in the current 1v1 ladder, as any win with a handicap doesn't really feel like a true win.
I do like the idea of adding a seasonal 1v1 ladder alongside the current 1v1 ladder. The current one can remain to serve as the ultimate test of who is best at the strategic 1v1 settings, and those settings can continue to strive to be the ultimate 1v1 experience.
The seasonal 1v1 ladder can have new settings every season. It can experiment with new maps, distributions, cards, etc. A season can last maybe one or two months, and at the end of the season the scores are locked in place and archived, then reset for the next season.
Since it's easy to sit out seasons, the normal 1v1 ladder would be more like a marathon where the seasonal 1v1 ladder can be more like a sprint. This means it can afford to do things the main 1v1 ladder couldn't, like have lower boot times or more games going on simultaneously. It could also use a different rating system.
That being said, it'll have to wait until the yet-to-be-announced feature I'm currently working on is done. If you like this, I suggest voting on [Ladder Seasons](
https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warlight-features/suggestions/1521999-ladder-seasons-?ref=title) - it's currently not well supported at all.