Welcome to the club. I don't have any one I consider a friend as that implies a great deal of trust. I have people I would consider intellectual allies, and great people to debate with, but no one in my eyes has earned enough trust to qualify as a friend.
The Collapse of a Clan - Royal Entente: 2016-05-19 03:43:56
I've never actually been diagnosed with Autism, but most of the people that I commonly talk to are on academic grounds, and as such it would be hard for me to argue that I don't actually have a minor amount of it.
The Collapse of a Clan - Royal Entente: 2016-05-19 04:26:24
Then it's probably harder to gauge. If you isolate yourself socially, it's a positive feedback loop- you'll have a harder and harder time picking up on social cues and interacting with real people.
The Collapse of a Clan - Royal Entente: 2016-05-19 04:32:52
Yeah, and I have no real motivation to become active socially. I feel that the academic interactions I have with people(like arguing things, discussing new scientific and engineering discoveries, etc) are much more valuable, and provide much better insight to how these people think and are much better for me as a person that enjoys academia than establishing a social life.
The Collapse of a Clan - Royal Entente: 2016-05-19 05:45:35
Seeing a trend here... A clan gets "hijacked" and then the members are encouraged to move to the wolves sometimes by a WOLF and the other times by Colonel Harthacanute. Is there a conspiracy going on between Semice and other people such as Colonel and maybe even Knyte :o
The Collapse of a Clan - Royal Entente: 2016-05-19 05:49:54
Or maybe you organised it all so fingers would point at Semice so that you had an excuse not to add him back to the clan! AHAH case closed and cracked also solved! LOCK HIM UP BOYS!
The Collapse of a Clan - Royal Entente: 2016-05-19 05:59:07
Why arent MR given back to most recent genuine leaders ? Giving them back to the original owner means forgetting he one dy gave MR away for some reasons and didnt want them any more.
And more importantly why isnt Semice banned ? And it seems this was done to grow TLW so why dont their members leave such a clan ?
The Collapse of a Clan - Royal Entente: 2016-05-20 12:04:57