Welcome to the WarGamingLive #138
I got the nasty flu so maybe there won't be WGL this Saturday, but Master of the Dead says he might host it an hour and half later then usual:
(1vs1) - May 21st, 2016 - 13:30 US/Central // 19:30 GMT // 20:30 Continental Europe (GMT+1)
Probably on ME 0% WR but who knows?! Styxie says she'll bully MotD to be on Phobia instead.
Super Smoove might or might not host a 2v2 on Sunday.
Everyone is welcome to join. We encourage all - experienced players and newbies alike.
Active hosts and commentators: ps, Lolowut, master of desaster, Master of the Dead, Beren Erchamion, Jefferspin, Timinator, Styx and Super Smoove.
Past hosts and commentators: Mythonian, Fizzer, Dunga, x, Hedja, Reza, Robespierre, Trollusa, Mian, kcscrag, Miyagi, TheWarlightMaster, Gui, Dom365, Fridge, Latnox, Pushover, Peixoto, Szeweningen, Gnuffone, Sephiroth, The Swimming Potato, Aura Guardian, Nackickwind, jz, Prabster Realm, Gustave II and many more!
WGL historic stylesheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r4WkcSrxSqyBXP7Z9l9kwrfU-SvpU5J2YTSkMm-KOls/edit#gid=0- WarGamingLive crew
Edited 5/20/2016 14:09:16