Aura Guardian
Level 62
Hello All!
TL;DR Section:
Due to circumstances, I have now decided to take a much more liberal approach to recruitment for my clan. In the past, our clan has been very selective on who it chooses and why it chooses them, and this is something that I have been very proud of, however, if I ever want to reach the ideals that I have set forth for this clan, I realize that this is no longer a viable option. So, I guess this means it is time for the typical "clan blurb".
Just for those who don't read, the clan is a mixed strategic/cartography clan.
For those who are TL;DRing, I suggest this is a good place to stop.
What Our Clan Is About:
Our clan page describes my vision for the clan very well. We have no leaders for the specialist positions, however, if recruitment goes well, this can change.
Hello Everyone, and Welcome to the Fifth Column Confederation Clan Page! This Clan is a Dual-Purpose Clan, with a focus on both Strategical Development of Players and Cartography. As a member of this clan, you will have your choice to join three orders, and will also have the opportunity to take advantage of the services provided by all three orders:
The Order of the Sword, led by the Master of the Sword, is the branch of the clan which focuses on strategy and strategical improvement. Members of this order are led by the Master of the Sword, whose responsibility is to teach strategy to members of that Order, and anyone else in the clan who wants to improve their strategical might in the game. Members of this order MUST have a will and desire to improve their game, and learn from the Master of the Sword, and from each other.
The Order of Maps is the order that focuses on Map Development and Publishing. Members of this order are led by the Master Cartographer, whose job is to teach the members how to make good, well balanced maps, and artistic Maps. Members of this order may choose to either make their own maps, or assist in the development of maps of other members.
The Order of the Quill, led by the Master of the Quill, on developing games, tournaments, and other engaging activities for the clan, in addition, this will be home to the ideasmiths of the clan, who come up with new ideas, to be applied towards the other two orders- depending on which order it concerns. Members of this order are required to either create, or contribute to, games, tournaments, or templates, and other activities, for the whole clan to enjoy.
Normally, the Eldar is required to see to all recruits, but due to the fact that the eldar is inactive currently, I will be in charge of making sure no trolls enter the clan.
That's All For now Folks! Feel free to ask questions or concerns. If interested in joining, reply here or pm, but be sure to specify an order when you do!
Sincerely, Aura Guardian
Edited 5/21/2016 14:23:24